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Holidays in Austria  | Travel Guide

Holidays in Austria

How Our Austria Itineraries will work for you  

Our Itineraries are the ultimate Travel Guide of Austria for you and your dream holiday in Austria !

Our self-guided / self driving tours will bring you through the regions of Austria for a 7 day holiday, 14 day holiday, and a 21 day holiday itinerary program, we also have special seasonal itineraries.

All cities covered include walking tours such as Vienna Walking Guide,

Salzburg Walking Guide etc… Tourist sites in Austria

The driving / traveling directions and travel times are provided on separate pages for the beginning of each day so that it is easier to use and where suitable – also within the days program. The walking directions for any town or city are incorporated within the itinerary for the same reason.

Information is provided about each particular site/ venue, town, city within the text of each day’s itinerary as is the time needed to visit them.

Holiidays in Austria

Holidays in Austria –Schedule:

The recommended time for traveling, driving, visiting a venue-site or a walking tour is a suggested and average amount of time needed. There will be those who may be somewhat faster in their visiting or walking and those whose pace may be more relaxed. The same can be said of the driving pace.

Austria Tours Travel Guide

Note that the autobahn speed limit is 130 km/hr, country hi-ways 100 km /hr some mountain roads 40-60 km hr and town and city driving usually 50km/hr, there are some city avenues with speed limits of 60-80 km/h. In all cases an average driving time has been calculated – usually on the generous side.

As you go through the itinerary you will find how the pace of the program suits your Austria holiday. This may also vary from day to day – for example the Viennese program and a day in the Alps. Keep in mind that in order to remain on track with the itinerary we recommend you end your day and stay overnight in the recommended town or city. If you choose to spend a longer morning visiting in one area, select a shorter version of the afternoon program to complete the day’s program. If you choose to alter one or more days of your holiday in Austria you can catch up with the program as you wish.

The driving directions and scheduling are designed for each suggested day’s itinerary.

Holiday in Austria Options:

Many sightseeing options have been provided, as well as traveling tips and recommendations for a very fulfilling holiday experience.      

Background Information – taking the itinerary on the road.   

Background information for a place or venue has been presented as succinctly as possible.

We recommend to use a binder and a daily folder, or of course downloading our Pdf file to you Ipad etc…

To make the itinerary you have purchased easy to read as you drive and walk through a town or city, key directions and places are in bold, underlined or separated.  Some photos are included to familiarize you with these sights. Our Austria Itineraries will provide you with the holidays in Austria that you desire.  

Our AUSTRIA  Holiday itineraries

7 Day Austria Holiday

14 Day Austria Holiday

Vienna & Area Holiday

Salzburg Holiday

21 Day Austria Holiday

Christmas Holiday

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